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*Denotes undergraduate co-author


Maker Castro, E., *Cummings, J., *Martinez Montaño, B., *Vyas, K., Hoyt., L. T., & Cohen, A. K., (2024). The Reciprocal and Recursive Relationship between Critical Consciousness and Wellbeing for Early Emerging Adult College Students When “There Was a lot Happening in Both the World… and Within My Own Personal World”. Journal of Adolescent Research,


Maker Castro, E., Dull, B. D., Jones, C., & Rivera, J. (2024). “We Can Transform This, We Can Change This”: Adolescent Sociopolitical Development as a Catalyst for Healthy Life-Span Development. Youth, 4(2), 582-605.

Maker Castro, E., Wilf, S., Guzman, J. G., & Wray-Lake, L. (2024). ‘There’s always opportunities to learn’: Immigrant-origin youth’s use and understanding of social media for civic education in the year 2020. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 0(0),

Quiles-Kwock, T. B., Castro, E. M., Wilf, S., Rudra, A., Bryant, L. S., Mathews, C., & Wray-Lake, L. (2024). “Imagine Growing Up Thinking the US is the Best Opportunity”: Immigrant Origin Youth of Color Supporting the Black Lives Matter Movement on Twitter. Journal of Adolescent Research, 0(0).


Maker Castro, E., Wray-Lake, L., & Mikell Montgomery, D. (2023). Launching and Turning Points for Black Youth’s Civic Engagement. In Young Black Changemakers and the Road to Racial Justice. Cambridge University Press


Wray-Lake, L., Wilf, S., *Bonilla, M. & Maker Castro, E. (2023). Organizations: Hubs for the Development of Black Youth’s Agency. In Young Black Changemakers and the Road to Racial Justice. Cambridge University Press

Ballard, P. J., Maker Castro, E., Karras, J., & Cohen, A. K. (2023). Exploring how a school-based intervention (Generation Citizen) supports critical consciousness development. In L. Rapa & E. Godfrey (Eds.), Critical Consciousness: Expanding Theory and Measurement. Cambridge University Press

Quiles, T., Hoyt, L. T., *Dotson, M. P., Maker Castro, E., *May, M., & Cohen, A. K. (2023). Who has to act?: Examining emerging adults’ Critical Consciousnesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. American Journal of Community Psychology, 71(1-2), 136-146. DOI: 10.1002/ajcp.12638


Maker Castro, E., Wray-Lake, L., & Cohen, A. K. (2022). Critical Consciousness and Wellbeing in Adolescents and Young Adults: A Systematic Review. Adolescent Research Review, 1-24. Online ahead of print. 


Maker Castro, E., *Medina, C., & Suárez-Orozco, C. (2022) “Everyone Has Their Story”: Intergroup Dialogue’s Potential to Cultivate Connection Through the Sharing of Migration Narratives. Psychology in the Schools.

Maker Castro, E., López Hernández, G., Karras, J., Novoa, A., The New Generation Class, & Suárez-Orozco, C. (2022). “Everyone Collaborated and Came Together”: The Civic Promise (and Pitfalls) of yPAR for Immigrant-Origin Students in an Era of Deportation. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 28(3), 427-439.


Maker Castro, E., Dull, B., Hoyt, L. T., & Cohen, A. K. (2022). Associations between critical consciousness and well‐being in a national sample of college students during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Journal of Community Psychology, 50(2), 760-777.


Karras, J. E., Maker Castro, E., & Emuka, C. (2022). Examining the sociopolitical development of immigrant-origin youth during a season of social unrest. Journal of Research on Adolescence. 


Wilf, S., Maker Castro, E., *Garzon Gupta, K., & Wray-Lake, L. (2022). Shifting culture and minds: immigrant origin youth building critical consciousness on social media. Youth and Society.


*Dotson, M. P., Maker Castro. E., *Magid, N. T., Hoyt, L. T., Suleiman, A. B., & Cohen, A. K. (2022). “Emotional Distancing”: Change and strain in US young adult college students’ relationships during COVID-19. Emerging Adulthood, 10(2), 546-557.


Yazdani, N., Hoyt, L.T., Maker Castro, E., & Cohen, A. K. (2022) “Early emerging adult college students' civic engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic” Emerging Adulthood.


Hoyt, L.T., Cohen, A. K., Dull, B.D., Maker Castro, E., Yazdani, N. (2021). “Constant stress has become the new normal”: stress and anxiety inequalities among US college students in the time of COVID-19.” Journal of Adolescent Health. 68(2), 270-276.


Suzuki, S., Quiles, T. B., & Maker Castro, E. (2023). Critical action among Asian and Hispanic/Latinx youth: Identifying a multidimensional measure and exploring within‐group differences. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 33(2), 406-424.


Fitzgerald, J., Cohen, A. K., Maker Castro, E., Pope, A. (2021). “A systematic review of the last decade of civic education research in the USA.” Peabody Journal of Education. 96(3), 235-246.


Cohen, A. K., Fitzgerald, J. C., Ridley-Kerr, A., Maker Castro, E., & Ballard, P. J. (2021). Investigating the impact of Generation Citizen’s action civics education program on student academic engagement. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 94(4), 168-180.

Maker Castro, E. & Cohen, A. K. (2020). Fostering youth civic engagement through effective mentorship: Understanding the college student volunteer mentors who succeed. Journal of Community Psychology, 49(2), 605-619.

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